We Love the 90’s!
July 12, 2017 | Events, Restaurants
90’s grunge music defined an entire generation and was nothing short of a phenomena with bands like Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam paving the way of a new genre of music. To this day these are the “classics” that we jam to and the days we desperately wish we could experience again. That’s why Deck 84 is giving the people what they want and taking them back to the 90’s to relive the era that brought us such great music & memories.
On the last Thursday of the month, 90’s tribute band RearView Mirror, performs the best of grunge/alternative from 8pm-10pm on the deck. Enjoy the sounds of the 90’s on the waterfront like never before. Time to dust off your ripped jeans & band t-shirts, round up your 90’s crew and get ready for a night of reminiscing & jammin’ out. We’ll see you on the last Thursday of every month – Peace out!
Take a listen to the band on our Instagram page @Deck84_Delray
Thursday, May 25th — https://www.instagram.com/p/BV0PmpJlpQX/?taken-by=deck84_delray
Thursday, May 25th — https://www.instagram.com/p/BVsOr1YlVyU/?taken-by=deck84_delray
Thursday, April 27th — https://www.instagram.com/p/BUZzJprFydl/?taken-by=deck84_delray